about us
Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Welcome to Trinity United Methodist’s website and thank you for taking the time to visit today. We sincerely hope that you can navigate easily around the site and find everything that you are looking for. If you are looking for a church home, please come and see what is going on at this exciting church!
Trinity was built 125 years ago, expanded over 40 years ago, and now we have plans to build a new facility on 10 acres located at 1338 West Plymouth Avenue. We have a strong and faithful tradition, where generations before us built this church to meet the needs of the community. Now we are continuing that tradition — building for future generations in our new location.
We are disciples who create disciples through the transforming love of Jesus. Growing in faith and passionate worship are the cornerstones of the Trinity Experience. We live out our faith in Journey Groups. These are small groups where we grow in the love and knowledge of God, support one another in the faith journey, and serve the community through serving and building relationships.
We hope that you will visit us soon and revisit the website. For now, may God bless and keep you with abundant grace and love.
Still in One Peace,
Rev. Dr. Todd Bardin, Senior Pastor
Mission Statement: We are disciples creating disciples through the transforming love of Jesus.
Vision Statement: Multiply disciples, groups and house churches everywhere.
Strategy: Train, empower, and send laity to make disciples.
What We Value:
Passion for Jesus
Love for One Another
All Humans Have Sacred Worth
Practice Contemplative Spiritual Disciplines
Seek Diversity in all Ways