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Trinity's Trip to Cuba October 2023





Getting ready to eat

Getting ready to eat

Church in Amancio

Church in Amancio

Baptism in Shekinah

Baptism in Shekinah

Pastor Todd in Shekinah

Pastor Todd in Shekinah



Pastor Todd in Shekinah

Pastor Todd in Shekinah

Baptism in Shekinah

Baptism in Shekinah

Baptism in Shekinah

Baptism in Shekinah



Chair cover in church

Chair cover in church



Pastor Oscar's dog

Pastor Oscar's dog

Trinity currently works with three sister churches in Cuba - Shekinah, Las Estancias and recently began working with 3rd Methodist of Las Tunas.  We have been fortunate to be able to visit with them by taking trips to Cuba. We keep them in our prayers and they continue to pray for us. If you would like to learn more about our Cuban brothers and sisters, please contact the church office at

3rd Methodist

3rd Methodist

Las Estancias

Las Estancias



The Relationship Between Cuban and Floridian Methodist Churches

The following was taken from The Florida Conference website, About — Methodist United In Prayer ( Go to the link to learn more.


The History of Sister Church Relationships in Cuba

Prior to the 1960’s, the Methodist Church in Cuba was part of the United Methodist Church and had a shared bishop with the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. However, due to political differences during that time between Cuba and the US this relationship changed and The Methodist Church in Cuba became an autonomous church separate from the United Methodist denomination. 


Recognizing the mutual bond we have in Christ and the rich history shared, the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and Methodist Church in Cuba met in the 1990’s to discuss a mutually beneficial ministry partnership. Though this process, a covenant ministry called the Cuba/Florida Covenant (later called Methodists United in Prayer) was born. This covenant was meant for the purposes of praying for one another, building interpersonal relationships, engaging in the interchange of people, and helping meet the needs of the Methodist Church in Cuba. Learn more here:


Through this ministry, deep personal bonds are being created, countless people are being prayed for, trips are being taken, much needed supplies are delivered, churches are being constructed and revived, lives are being shared, the sick are being healed, the hungry are being fed, young men and women are receiving college educations, clean water is being made available to entire communities, people’s lives are being drastically changed, and many are coming to know and follow Jesus Christ.


Trinity UMC has 3 sister churches in  Cuba:  5th Methodist of Las Tunas, also known as Shekinah,  3rd Methodist in Las Tunas, and Las Estancias.

We support UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief )
Click HERE to learn more!

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