Worship Services
Worship in the Sanctuary
We are currently sharing space at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at 1401 W. New York Ave. We gather for worship each Sunday at 9:00 am. and their services begin at 10:45 am.
We are passionate about music at Trinity UMC and we enjoy the offerings of both our praise band and our Chancel Choir.
Communion is served every Sunday.
Trinity Music Ministry
Trinity has had a rich, long history of quality music. On Sundays, music is led by the Joyful Noise Praise Team, featuring a contemporary style, and our Chancel Choir, which is liturgical in style. Our music ministries are led by our Director of Music, Conya Hartman.
Once a month, we have a Southern Gospel choir sing during the service. This is always a fun, toe-tapping time!
Have questions about participating in the Music Ministry? Please contact the church for more information.
Psalm 100:1,2
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!