Give 125 Challenge:
February 20, 2020, Trinity United Methodist is celebrating their “125th” year in ministry. In order to celebrate this historic milestone, the church decided that each month for 1 year, they would support a local charity or group of people with a collection of “125” somethings. This journey began in December of 2019 and to date the estimated value of donations is $13,493.64.
Pastor Todd Bardin stated, “We wanted to emphasize our history of generosity by collecting 125 things each month to give away. It has been amazing to see the church at work and how much this congregation has given. All of our efforts have passed our initial goals, and people in DeLand and beyond are being cared for. I’m proud to be the pastor of such a generous and loving congregation!” For more information, call the church office at 386-734-4425.
What We’ve Already Done:​
December: The church collected 220 blankets and 30 sheet sets for the homeless.
January: The church collected 600 pairs of socks and raised $523 for Citrus Grove Children.
February: The church collected 160 packages of snacks for Citrus Grove teachers and staff.
March: The church raised $485 for H.O.P.E. (Helpers of People Enslaved).
April: The church had a total of 123 service hours.
May: The church donated 4 trunk loads of food and $2,500 to the Stetson Food Pantry.
June: The church donated 2 canisters of baby formula, 26 packages of baby wipes, 1 baby monitor, 1,318 diapers, and $635 to the Grace House.
July: The church donated enough supplies to assemble 70 blessing bags that we will handout to those in need as well as $565.
August: The church was able to collect $530 in gift cards, 15 backpacks with school supplies, + 39 blessing bags to donate to DCF and the police force to help buy necessary supplies for children in need.
September: The church donated $931 as well as 6 baskets of snacks, 7 cases of water, and 3 cases of sports drinks. There were delivered to 4 fire stations, the Sheriff’s office, the Police Department, and Advent Health DeLand.
October: The church raised $1976.00 to support our two sister Churches in Cuba.
November: The church raised $145 for boyscouts, and donated toys to 25 angel tree children at Citrus Grove.
December: The church donated 7 bikes, trikes, and scooters to children in need through the DeLand Police Department.
To view more photos and information on each month click the file listed below!
For more information contact Steve and Debbie Jones, 125 Challenge Coordinators