Mission Statement: We are disciples creating disciples through the transforming love of Jesus.
Vision Statement: Multiply disciples, groups and house churches everywhere.
Strategy: Train, empower, and send laity to make disciples.
What We Value:
Passion for Jesus
Love for One Another
All Humans Have Sacred Worth
Practice Contemplative Spiritual Disciplines
Seek Diversity in all Ways
At Trinity, we have two wings. One wing is passionate worship where the people gather to worship and celebrate what God is doing in our lives. The other wing is the Journey Group. Invitation, spiritual growth and service to others happen in the Journey Group. It takes two wings for a church to soar to new heights! Trinity considers Journey Groups to be the key instrument in reaching our city for Christ.
What constitutes a Journey Group?
The study of Scripture. How does the Bible relate to my life?
Meets weekly in a home.
Outreach, serving others is part of the group’s activities.
Groups are expected to birth new groups.
It is a goal of a Journey Group that all members will learn how to disciple others.
It is a goal that all Journey Group members will one-day facilitate their own group.
Facilitators and Apprentices of Journey Groups are commissioned as “Lay Pastors.”
Everyone at Trinity is expected to be in a Journey Group.
Below is a listing of Journey Groups. For more information on how to join a group or to be contacted by a facilitator, please call the church office at (386) 734-4425. Our office hours are M - F 9 am -1 pm or you may leave a voicemail for us to return your call.
Sundays at 4:30 pm
This is a mixed adult Journey Group
Meets in person, location varies
Thursdays at 5 pm
This is a mixed adult Journey Group
Meets online
Facilitator: Judy Ross
Assistant: Cindy Rosso
Thursdays at 7p.m.
This is a mixed adult Journey Group
Meets online
Facilitator: Debbie Jones
Assistant: Dylan Jones
Thursdays at 7 pm
This is a mixed adult Journey Group
Meets online
Facilitator: Lyda Kiser
Assistant: Jamie Ross
Thursdays at 8 pm
This is a mixed adult Journey Group
Meets in person
Facilitator: Melissa Fuller

Contemporary Issues Discussion Group
Held weekly on Sundays at 10:15 am (following worship and fellowship time) in the Meeting Room, participants seek to better understand contemporary issues affecting our church, our denomination, our community, and our world. Drop-ins are welcome. There is no need to register for classes, anyone can attend – anytime! Contact the church office for more information.